Thursday, January 1, 2009

Okay ye ol blogger slugs!!! Me included. It has finally come the time to pull out the ol fingers and type.

The Holidays were great. Mostly because of being home.

There's no place like home and family.

The weeks before Christmas were full of cold and snow.

So much snow that the kids were out of school for almost a whole week! Yippee for them but testing on the Mom at home who is not only the daily containment director but is now the amusement and sudden situation director complete with hot mugs of cocoa and marshmallows that magically appear out of her fingertips. Thank you so much to her for maintaining the animals. Four legged and two legged. We got a beautiful tree, as you can see by the picture. Although I hadn't realized that the lights were not on when this was taken. We made our traditional sugar cookies for Santa and included a piece of cheese (as always) for Santa Mouse. A great children's book. If you haven't read it you should check it out.
Here are some pics from the festivities.

This guy kept wandering around the house playing the blues, Christmas style. We couldn't get him to stop. Astraea DS'ing it while a snake slithers nearby waiting for that precise moment to attack!
Sierra being sucked into LPS (Littlest Pet Shop) land. Note the rubber chicken crawling, or should we say "body surfing" across the carpet.
The table awaiting the ravenous munchers and the food. One serving of mashers happened to sneak in ahead of time.
The ravenous munchers.
This is my newest best friend. She goes with me to work everyday and keeps me from going insane!!! okay....more insane?
The year in pics ends with this beautiful Red tailed hawk that flew in the backyard to rest it's wings for a while. Sorry this photo is not the greatest. All in all it was a great end of the year. Much better than last year when we sprinted out the doors of the hospital at midnight just so we wouldn't be in the hospital at the start of the new year. Hello 2009....bring it on!!!!

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