Sunday, February 1, 2009

I was going to do an extremely wonderful blog. But, alas and alack. I am not. It is almost tomorrow and I have to go to work. There is never enough time to accomplish what I have in mind. I always get sidetracked by things I hadn't even thought of to do. For example, rearranging my laundry room. I did it and expected a big old "Kazow!" but didn't get it. It was just shifted. From one unfriendly, unorganized mess to another one that was just 72 degrees to the right. Sucks!!! I waisted my f'n time.
So my cats ass pretty much describes the ending of my free time. My week end. Talk to the tail 'cuz I am walking away. One good thing...I guess...OSU won the Civil War against the Ducks. Go Beav's!!
Oh, and the Supa' bo was pretty dam good. Too bad the Cardinals couldn't hang on to that lead. I just want to know one thing. Why can't those dam English muffin makers cut their muffins all the way through? Why do it half way???? Makes no f'n sense. Happy Monday!!! NOT!

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