Okay...don't get me wrong...I love, love, love Viking. But seriously!?! Do I really need to spend $230.00 for a four slot toaster? And that is after the $100.00 discount. That means normally I would think a really good toaster would cost $330.00!!! I'm thinkin' more along the lines of....let's say...$30.00? Maybe after the toaster toasts the bread then it embosses them with gold leaf and truffles. Maybe there is more to this whole toast thing than I realize. So I probably just blew my chances in Viking's gas range give away. "If you can't say something nice...don't say anything at all." yeah...whatever.
So is anyone sick of the yard signs yet?
oo...ooo...pick me!! Pick me.
I would like a candidate that didn't spend money on campaign crap like yard signs, crap in the mail everyday, radio spots, etc., etc., etc..
Imagine if there was one candidate who just said, "Hi, my name is Joe Dinglefritz. I am running for the office of Head Muffin Man. If you want to know who I am and all that stuff, go to my website at http://www.gojomuffinhead.com/ and find out because I won't be wasting money on stupid campaign crap.

I also found two other wonderful pics.
....all the talk about muffins has made me hungry.
I might just make some.
So...all for now.
lol my last comment failed cause I spelled stuff wrong....What I said was
So random....love it!
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