Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hidden agenda of fear and guilt.

How come organized religious groups feel the need to have everyone share in their guilt?

No one is off limits to them. As an example I read a couple of weeks ago about the Mormon church doing baptisms for the dead on Jewish Holocaust victims. Hello! Get a clue! Next thing you know they will have baptisms for the unborn. They will be grabbing all those pregnant teens and dunking them in the name of Joe Smith. Or should we go one step further and baptise all those sperm and eggs. Potential life ya know. So, all you religion groupies out there, go have your religion, believe in who or what you want, do your rituals, wear your sacred underwear, robes, hats, whatever but don't go selling your beliefs on other people. We all believe what we need. My feeling is most religions are a way for people not to accept personal responsibility of their own lives. "Just put it in the hands of God. I can walk away". Some, just don't have the inner gut's to question how they were raised. I have seen religion cause more problems than solve them.
As far as I remember, God didn't have a membership count. Just basically one rule....LOVE.

Also, on my mind this week, health insurance. It is that time of year when employers review or update or switch their carriers. As I was sitting in the "required" meeting listening to each representative talk about their coverage I began to think about the law of attraction. How positive attracts positive, negative attracts negative. Greatness was never achieved by focusing on failure. Happiness acquired by thinking negative thoughts. And health by dwelling on illness. I finally understood the topic of this meeting!

Let's all plan for hypothetical negatives!!

Let's think about getting cancer.

Think about getting sick.

Think about getting injured.

Think about dying.

Think about running out of money.

Maybe the reason bad things happen is because we all plan on them happening. As a matter of fact, we are so sure that bad things will come our way, we are willing to put money on it.

Place a bet on the fact that bad things will happen. Knowing we will end up spending less money if we buy this insurance because we know bad things will happen. Focusing on the negative. We are a society that functions on fear. Fear of the unknown. Waiting for fate to bring us what it will rather than creating our own futures. Fear is the most debilitating emotion that there is.

I have a better idea. Imagine your future, the way you want it to be. Imagine health, wealth, happiness. Anything you want. Imagine and live your life the way you want it to be, not the way you fear it is.

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." -Albert Einstein

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