Sunday, November 2, 2008

Week end of the Boo end.

Well, this wraps up the week end of the shivers, scares, laughs, and the "what the?'s".

I went for the emo look, but without the "proper" haircut, it didn't quite totally fly.

But I guess it was close enough.

No it was AWESOME! ~Astraea

Check it out.

What a pose! Yes, that is James Dean on my shirt. Gotta love it!

I got the true meaning of emo after trick-or-treating in 4 inch platform boots.

And I didn't even get one piece of candy!

No fair!!!!

So my fantasy life ends and my work week soon begins.

Of course, this isn't to say that work is my reality of choice.

I see it as more of my screen saver between the real action.

Ta Ta For Now.

I will seriously get better at these blogs...just wait.

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