Monday, December 15, 2008 word.......


Could that be considered a word? Well, it is in my vocabulary. We are having ridiculous weather here. Highs are what you would normally call the lows. 27-30 f*&$#@ degrees!! School was closed yesterday and again tomorrow. Probably for the whole week.

Less than a week ago I was stepping ever so carefully as to not injure my sweet little purple crocus that were coming up in my yard. Well, so long you are croaked! Har, har. And this isn't the end. We are suppose to be hit again on Wednesday with snow and freezing rain through Thursday, possibly Friday and then another storm front of snow on Saturday. And it is just going to continue through Christmas.

I do not like the cold!! Love the snow, so long as it stays around 75 degrees. What? It could happen. So tomorrow, I will be out in the freezing cold, throwing my body into the side of my truck trying to break the ice seal on the door, so that I can drive 2 miles per hour on ice, so I can go to work, so I can ask myself over and over...."why do I have to go to work? where did I go wrong? why am I not independently wealthy and can stay home with my kids on snow days?".

And I would love it!! I would bake cookies and make snow slushy's all day. I might even venture out into the frozen tundra, that is if I were properly bundled. Dreaming......

For now, I will brave the elements.....'cuz I gotta.

1 comment:

The Hungry Fashionista said...

every winter i ask myself why i still live here...
when it snows i feel like everyone should just be able to stay home.
we're in the same boat my friend